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With the merger of the San Mateo County and Stanford Area Councils to become the Pacific Skyline Council, Pomponio Lodge #528 and Stanford-Oljato Lodge #207 came together on January 1, 1995 to form Ohlone Lodge #63. As its totem the Lodge selected the California Sea Otter, a creature indigenous to our coast line. We affectionately call our mascot “Otto.” 

Ohlone Lodge has carried on the proud tradition of it predecessors with the winning of both the Honor Lodge and E. Urner Goodman Camping Awards for 1998. 

We are very active in Section G17S activities and leadership. Ohlone has also sent a full contingent of Arrowmen to each of the National Order of the Arrow Conferences (NOAC).

Arrowmen from our lodge work as Counselors at our Council’s summer camp, Camp Oljato and offering instruction and guidance to Scouts from Troops from throughout the Western United States.

Service is very important to Ohlone Lodge with one of our primary projects being that we coordinate the annual Memorial Day observance at Golden Gate National Cemetery where in past year overs 1700 Scouts and families from four different councils participated in placing nearly 150,000 American flags on the graves of those who have died after having served our country. 

Ohlone Lodge has also been very supportive of Pacific Skyline Council, having donated money to both the James E. West Fund and the Friends of Scouting campaign.