Ohlone63.org - Order of the Arrow, Pacific Skyline Council, B.S.A.
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Lodge Committees



Chairman: To Be Selected

Adviser: To Be Selected

The Brotherhood Chairman is responsible for the "Trail to Brotherhood" program, which promotes the path a new Ordeal Honor member goes through during their first year after being elected up until achieving the Brotherhood Honor. The Brotherhood Chairman works with Ordeal Honor members in particular. He reports to Vice Chief of Induction.


Chairman: Zach Graham

Adviser: Pat O'Neil

The Ceremonies Chairman is responsible for maintaining trained teams for all lodge ceremonies. He ensures ceremonies are properly conducted at all lodge events. The Ceremonies Chairman is also responsible for the care, maintenance, and acquisition of ceremonial regalia owned by the lodge. He promotes the creation of new regalia to be used in ceremonies. He also coordinates the use of ceremony teams for all non-OA related activities. The Ceremonies Chairman reports to Vice Chief of Inductions.


Chairman: To Be Selected

Adviser: Mike Larsen

The Dance Chairman is responsible for organizing and maintaining the lodge dance team; OTTO Singers and Dancers. He coordinates all non OA activities involving the Native American dance as well as serves as the section representative for Native American affairs. He is also responsible for the care, maintenance, and acquisition of dance regalia owned by the lodge. He promotes the creation of dance regalia for events. The Dance Chairman reports to Vice Chief of Administration.


Chairman: To Be Selected

Adviser: To Be Selected

The Design Chairman is responsible for coming up with new, creative designs for patches and T-shirts. He proposes said designs at LEC meetings and explains the meaning and significance of what he has created, as well as the logistics of getting it produced. He reports to the Treasurer.


Chairman: Omar Abukhater

Adviser: Chris Morrison

The Elangomat Chairman recruits and trains all Elangomats. He coordinates Elangomat groups at Ordeals, as well as assigns head and assistant Elangomats. He reports to the Vice Chief of Inductions.

Order of the Arrow Representative

Chairman: To Be Selected

Adviser: Chris Webb

The Order of the Arrow Representative Chairman is responsible for training the OA reps from each troop and ensuring that they do their job. He keeps in contact with the reps and their scoutmasters to stay on top of changes in both adult and youth leadership. He reports to the Vice Chief of Administration.

Social Media

Chairman: Omar Abukhater

Adviser: Mr. Bryan Klech

The Social Media Chairman is responsible for the lodge's various social media accounts. He maintains a database of the platforms, usernames, and passwords. He also posts about events as instructed and keeps members engaged online. He reports to the Secretary.

Task Master

Chairman: To Be Selected

Adviser: Ms. Casey Inman

Responsible for all lodge service projects. Maintains records of lodge service hours. Works with camp ranger to coordinate work projects during lodge activities. Reports to Vice Chief of Inductions.

Unit Visitations

Chairman: Liam McAlexander

Adviser: Chris Morrison

The Unit Visitations Chairman coordinates a yearly lodge visit for every troop in the council. He works with scoutmasters and SPLs to get a date to conduct a visit, then assembles the required amount of youth to attend the meeting. He may attend said meeting himself. The Unit Visitations Chairman ensures that at the meeting, an election is conducted and our council camps are advertised. He reports to the Vice Chief of Inductions.

Need to contact an adult? Email Dr. Daryl Thomas at lodgeadviser@ohlone63.org

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