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  Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) is being held Saturday, January 6th  
  This year's LLD is being conducted by our Section Officers, and other committed youth leadership from around the area. Come meet the former National Chief, who is from our lodge. Have fun while learning how to more effectively lead our lodge and villages.

This course is really a must for anyone who is considering advancing through the ranks of OA leadership or your troop. Those that chose you need you! Learn to be the sort of effective youth leadership that your troop either had, or you wished it had, when you were younger and someone else was in charge. Discover the many resources available to you as an arrowman. 

No kidding, this years LLD will rock!

LLD is from 9 am until 4 pm Saturday, January 6 2007 at Crestmoor Elementary School, 2322 Crestmoor Drive, San Bruno CA 94066. Morning coffee, lunch and after noon snack will be served. There is no fee but advance reservations are strongly recommended. Please email the Lodge Adviser.

Yours in Brotherhood,

11 Dec2006 by Otto


  A message from our Chief  
  Thanks to all arrowmen and arrowwomen, especially our youth leadership and adult advisers, Ohlone is off to a great start for the 2006-2007 year. With all the planning and hard work we had a very successful fall ordeal and as always an educational and fun filled Pow Wow.

We started the year with a BBQ, planning and chiefs council meeting in September at the Palo Alto Scout Center. The new youth officers and new lodge adviser were sworn in to their new positions of leadership and responsibility. If you missed this fun time you will want to mark your calendar for next year. Educational classes on Indian crafts and dance were highlighted with good food and the traditional evening dance with full regalia, drums and songs.

In October our fall ordeal saw the induction of new youth and adult members receiving their Ordeal honor. Sunday morning was filled with Indian handball, tomahawk throwing and brunch. The pumpkin carving contest losing entrants were used as targets.

As we prepare for the spring Ordeal and troop elections and for the upcoming Section Conclave we will be busy little beavers. Contact the Lodge Adviser or me at OhloneRSVP@aol.com to sign up for the important and exciting election team, ceremony team or Conclave staff positions.

With each an every arrowman giving cheerful service we can guarantee a successful 2006-2007 year.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Nick Wilmes Jr.
Lodge Chief
Ohlone Lodge #63
6 Nov 2006 by Otto


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