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Conclave 2004 Patch

Section W3S Conclave - April 1-3, 2016
Camp Royaneh

Code of Conduct

It is our duty as members of the Order of the Arrow to set the example for all Arrowmen and Scouts.

We are representatitves of the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow, and it is our responsibility to make sure we conduct ourselves in a Scout-like manner.
  On my honor as a Scout, I pledge the following:
  1. I will observe the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Outdoor Code, and the Obligation to the Order of the Arrow as the Law of the Conclave.
  2. I will wear a complete Scout uniform with a sash at all appropriate times. I will wear my sash with my complete uniform and will never wear my sash on my belt.
  3. I will attend all general sessions and assemblies called by the Section or Lodge.
  4. I will NOT enter restricted areas.
  5. I will refrain from selling any items at the Conclave. (Any participant found to be selling any merchandise will be requested to leave the Conclave site. All authorized memorabilia, supplies, and food sales wil be sold at the Conclave Trading Post.)
  6. I will observe a degree of silence from Taps to Reveille.
  7. I will park in only the designated areas and refrain from using a vehicle unless authorized to do so.
  8. I understand that I -- not the Boy Scouts of America, the Section, nor the Lodge -- am responsible for breakage, damage, or loss of property.
  9. I will not smoke at any time during the Conclave, except when in compliance with BSA smoking policies.
  10. I understand that items such as alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, firearms, fireworks, and gamblining may not be possessed, purchased, nor used at the Conclave. I understand that infraction of the regulation by a Scout or a Scouter will be cause for dismissal from the Conclave. there will be no exception to this rule.


All information obtained from http://sectionw3s.org/conclave/.
Copyright © 2016 Section W3S, Western Region, Boy Scouts of America. All rights reserved.

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